A branded podcast that generates leads: tools and KPIs


A branded podcast that generates leads: tools and KPIs

Whether it's Usain Bolt, Neymar or Teddy Riner, these athletes are all about performance. And just as well, the branded podcast is no longer in its infancy. Today, this medium makes listeners want to buy (25%) and find out more about the product/service (27%):

  • "My boss is asking for it",
  • I read that this was the trend".
  • "Other brands are jumping on board".

This article is aimed more at those who have real ambitions for their branded podcast. Who are looking to generate those good old leads, attract prospects to their service and convert them into loyal customers.Sound like you? Read on! Let's take a look at how branded podcasts can help you achieve your conversion goals, just like these luxury brands.


  1. The call to action in a brand podcast
  2. Branded podcast: a source of traffic to your website
  3. Branded podcasts can help your SEO
  4. Brand podcast: social media engagement

The call to action in a brand podcast

"When you talk about conversion, you have to include a call to action. So, as long as your podcast is delivered frequently, brings value to its listeners, supports your brand values: It will convert! This call to action can be placed anywhere in your podcast:

  • In the written description of the podcast,
  • At the end of the podcast via the host's voice,
  • Right from the start of the podcast,
  • Podcast in progress.

Now that we're on the same wavelength... Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of conversion metrics for a branded podcast.

Branded podcast: a source of traffic to your website

In the real world, if I'm trying on a new item of clothing, a new perfume or even a new car... I'll tend to find out about the brand. In the real world, if I'm trying on a new item of clothing, a new perfume or a new car, I'll tend to find out more about the brand, either by "checking out its window display" in one of the brand's physical stores or, in the case of containment, simply online via its website.This is exactly the same principle that will guide listeners of your brand podcast to your website or that of the brand you mention in the episode.This is precisely the reason why we need to redouble our efforts in our conversion objective with the indicator we're interested in here: web traffic.

Why is it so important to monitor direct podcast traffic to my website?

When they visit a website after listening to a brand podcast, listeners behave differently from other visitors, because when they arrive on the brand's website page :

  • His mind is already more familiar with the brand (he's just heard the presenter or guest talk about it)
  • His interest is greater (he knows he can find answers to his questions there)

Can a branded podcast generate new, qualified visits to a site? A new category of potential customers? Buyers? Absolutely! However, it's important to make sure that this traffic actually comes from the podcast and a particular episode.

How can you observe traffic peaks during the broadcast of your podcast?

The podcast is created and edited... You are now entering the broadcast phase. Depending on the strategy selected, you may :

  • Share your podcast on social networks (use space buying if necessary)
  • Use influencer marketing as a megaphone,
  • Launch a press relations campaign to attract your first listeners.

Once your podcast has been distributed, your marketing team (or you, if you're a small business) will evaluate whether or not your podcast has generated traffic to your website.

Google Analytics is your best ally

In google analytics, look for audience peaks on your website:

  • During the podcast,
  • A few hours after the podcast,
  • Within 72 hours of podcast broadcast.

Track everything that's wrong with your visitors (and when I say everything... I mean literally everything!):

  • A region other than your usual visitors,
  • Different genre,
  • Different age range,
  • Unusual visiting hours.


1) Use UTMsTomonitor your website traffic, use UTMs. Sorry, it's a technical term, but UTMs make it easy to pinpoint the origin of traffic on a website. But don't panic! Behind this acronym, there's nothing really nasty: it's actually a tool that enables you to attribute a source to your web traffic.Example of a technique: Add a UTM tracked link in your "show note" or episode description.2) Create a dedicated Landing PageYes, this potentially takes more preparation time, and requires more thought upstream... On the one hand, you'll know: how many visitors were attracted to your landing page after listening to your podcastOn the other, you'll offer: an ultra-personalized experience for podcast listeners and therefore... increase your chances of conversion!

Branded podcasts can help your SEO

SEO, search engine optimization, podcasting is an audio medium, and yet it can have a huge impact on your SEO. So if your goal is to improve your SEO... Here are a few techniques to enhance your strategy.

The different techniques to increase your SEO via your branded podcast :

1) Select a keyword for each episode that fits in with your keyword strategy.2) Create a page or blog post (minimum 500 words) for each episode.The blog post must be linked to the content of your podcast.And now, as a young podcast padawan, you're telling me: "but if I create a blog post for each episode... no one will listen to the podcast". If this fear overwhelms you, my young apprentice (to be read in the voice of Emperor Palpatine), I have a solution that should please you: offer a summary of the episode in your podcast! That way, those who don't have time to listen to your podcast will get the key information, while those who want support after listening to your podcast will be served. Your SEO will be strengthened, as will your user experience. What a life!


In your blog post, consider embedding your branded podcast. This shouldn't be a problem if you're using a server that includes this option (like our friends at Ausha). embedding your podcast in the blog post helps the search engine robot understand the importance of your metadata:

  • Podcast title
  • Episode title
  • Episode number
  • Episode URL
  • Episode details:- Guest names- Links to their social network accounts- Links to lives, films, series mentioned in the podcast

The data below acts as a treasure trove for your podcast listeners. They'll be able to "go further" to find the answer to their problem. The search engines will understand that you're generating quality content and will reward you with a higher ranking on Google and Bing.

Brand podcast: social media engagement

Few podcasts can achieve rapid growth without the help of social networks.And conversely, podcasts can be a real vector for generating engagement on your Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin accounts.That's why many brands tend to measure engagement on their social networks to assess the ROI of their podcast.There are several options open to you when it comes to generating engagement on your social networks using your podcast:

  • Ask your audience questions related to the podcast
  • Share mini-clips and quotes from the podcast
  • Show never-before-seen scenes from the podcast (behind-the-scenes video, photos of the recording)
  • Propose teasers for podcast episodes
  • Provide more details on a topic covered in the podcast
  • Share the bio of your presenter or guests

The KPIs you need to measure to assess engagement with your podcast on social networksHereyou'll find the classic levers linked to engagement on social networks. However, we'll be looking at podcast-related publications as opposed to your traditional publications.

  • Evolution of the number of likes,
  • Evolution of the number of shares,
  • Evolution of the number of comments,
  • Swipe-up evolution (for instagram),
  • Number of video views,
  • Evolution of the number of followers (Is there a link with a particular episode of the podcast?)

If you're still interested in reading us, don't wait any longer: we'll be writing articles specially dedicated to Social Media strategies for your brand podcast!

Avner UZAN






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