Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
More and more companies are including the podcast format in their digital marketing strategy. They use it to create or improve their brand image with their customers, but also to federate a community around their brand podcast. Because podcasts offer an immersive experience that builds listener loyalty as they impatiently await the release of each new episode. It's by whispering in your listeners' ears that you make them want to engage with your brand...
Creating a corporate podcast gives you the opportunity to communicate differently with your community of customers or prospects. Less formal than a traditional communication channel, the podcast allows you to show a new side of your brand. You can use a more intimate tone, revealing what goes on behind the scenes at your company or involving employees, for example. By using storytelling, for example, you can tell the story of your brand by arousing the emotions of your audience. Little by little, you build a close relationship with your audience, creating a real community. A rendezvous your loyal listeners won't want to miss! You offer an immersive experience thanks to that fabulous sense of hearing... Your listeners let their imaginations run free while they listen to your native podcast, they are captivated by your words... And thanks to the relationship of trust that has been established, your listeners, whether customers or future customers, take your brand to their hearts. As a result, they're more receptive to the messages you'll be spreading about your products or services. The corporate podcast is one of the media that most engages its community.
Before launching your podcast, it's important to choose the format of the branded podcast you're going to set up. You have several options:
As time goes by, the world of podcasts is expanding, and new formats are emerging (video podcasts, podcast co-hosts...). The key is to find the one that suits you best. In the meantime, take a look at some examples of successful branded podcasts. If you want to create a successful podcast, focus on the originality of your content. You can choose a niche where there's less competition. Or you can call on unheard-of guests, not heard on all current native podcasts. A podcast agency like Calliopé can help you create a branded podcast that conveys your values and sets you apart from your competitors.
Margot BURON
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