Why use a podcast creation agency?
According to Statista, with +$35.7 million spent in the first half of 2021, Better Help is the biggest advertiser in the podcast sector in the USA.
That's well ahead of ZipRecruiter $13.6 million, Geico $13.5 million and Hello Fresh $13.3 million.
That's what I invite you to discover in this article, which should guide you in knowing where to make your audio advertising investments.
Podcast advertising vs. other advertising channels
By 2021, +92% of new brands have invested in podcast advertising.
In 2022, +93.4% more advertising than in 2021 (France Pub, IREP, Kantar study).
Discover Pods' survey of 1,000 podcast fans found that 89.8% of listeners think podcast ads are effective...
And for good reason: podcasting is a communication tool that :
Whether in France, the UK or the USA, Smart Speakers have made their way into consumers' homes.
The result?
Increased listening to podcast ads and growing potential to activate purchases.
44% of marketers are "very or extremely confident" in podcasts as an effective marketing channel(MarketingCharts)
As listeners grow, so does advertiser interest.
So, while there has been an increase of +2.070% since 2015, predictions for podcast advertising are even higher with :
For 32% of marketers, podcast advertising delivers the expected results.
Nevertheless, some techniques are more effective than others... and should become more so by 2023.
Words lie... but numbers don't!
And today, 55% of ads read by podcast hosts generate the majority of podcast advertising revenues (Source IAB).
Worse still, ads read by advertisers and pre-produced account for a further 40% of revenues.
Not surprising when you consider that 70% of listeners say they prefer ads read by the host rather than listening to pre-recorded ads.
The Calliopé team's opinion
It's a trend that's set to continue in 2023, given that brand- or agency-produced ads account (for now) for just 3% of all podcast advertising revenue.
For the time being, mid-roll podcast ads - that is, ads that are integrated in the middle of audio content - will account for almost 2/3 (64%) of podcast advertising revenues (IAB) in 2021.
The Calliopé team's opinion
However, this trend is set to diversify in 2023, with the share of pre-roll advertising revenues rising from 22% in 2020 to 32% in 2021.
Although the podcast sector will tend to become more niche (see article on podcast trends), we can already say that podcast advertising will (again) rely on news podcasts.
According to MediaWeek, in 2020, the top 3 of all podcast advertising revenues will rank as follows:
The news podcast is therefore the most profitable genre for brands and advertisers.
Ads from 31 to 60 seconds, which at one time accounted for a certain share of podcast ads, have dropped to 27% share in 2020.
Those between 61 and 90 seconds have fallen to just 2% share, compared with 15% in 2020.
But what happened?
The podcast industry is coming of age, and with it a trend...
16- to 30-second ads accounted for the majority (55%) of inventory sold, compared with around 4 in 10 in each of the previous 2 years.
Ads lasting up to 15 seconds accounted for 16% of inventory sold in 2020, versus 9% in each of the previous 2 years.
Unlike other advertising formats, for the time being, 80% of podcast listeners also claim that ads do not negatively affect the quality of the podcast.
Why is this important?
Quite simply because it leaves room for DAI, or dynamically inserted advertising.
Instead of being read aloud by the advertiser or podcast host, they are pre-recorded and inserted into the podcast according to the listener's marketing profile.
According to IAB, in 2019 DAIs generated just 48% of podcast advertising revenue.
This is now a thing of the past: in 2020, they will generate 84% of advertising revenues.
A project, a question? We're all ears.
With Calliopé, a branded podcast agency, make your voice heard.
Reach out to us