Steps to building a branded podcast


Steps to building a branded podcast

Since 2020, ~28 million podcasts have been published per year (Sources: Podcast Index, ListenNotes).

Yes, that makes audio content on streaming platforms. But more importantly, it adds an element of competition to your branded podcast project. 

Before trying to stand out from the crowd, there are certain steps to take to ensure that your podcast is born in the right conditions. 

We've grouped all these steps together in a single article... Make the most of it! 

Find out who the
podcast is aimed at ‍

Internal podcast? Corporate podcast? Podcast 

Whatever the format of your podcast, you absolutely must take the time to establish the how. 

The how? 

Yes, how do you address your podcast to your audience?

We've come up with a few questions to get you started: 

  • Who will listen to your podcast?
  • What do they want to hear or know?
  • Where do they go to find this information?
  • Why should they be interested in your podcast?

Finding the concept for your podcast

Long gone are the days when you could be the only brand in the audio sector. 

Brands like Dior are already in their 3rd season. 

So how do you stand out from the crowd? 

Think about your positioning! This is the key to attracting the attention of your audience. 

What will be your trademark? The one that will keep us coming back for more episodes of your show. 

At present, 29% of listeners say they can't find a podcast that matches their interests. So there's still room for your podcast!

Create your podcast's brand identity

Finding a name for your podcast 

For some, you may already have a name in mind! Does it match what the audience is looking for? What they like to hear? Their world? 

For the others, look for a name that's not already in use, and make sure there's a "fit" with your podcast's potential audience. 

Develop your podcast's audio identity 

Podcasts are no longer in their infancy... 

The listener is now more demanding. Now we're talking about the listening experience!

Worse still, for 19% of listeners, poor production quality makes them shy away from your audio content.

It's not a trivial matter. It's absolutely essential that your podcast is optimized to transport the listener into your audio universe. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself: 

  • How will you address your audience? 
  • What introductory jingle will you incorporate? 
  • What ending jingle will you incorporate? 
  • Should I edit my own podcast or hire a professional editor?

Select a podcast format

Another important factor is the choice of format! 

In other words, how will your podcast look? 

Here are some ideas for podcast formats: 

  • Interview format: An exchange between presenter and guest.
  • Scripted non-fiction: A format that follows a theme for an entire season.  
  • News: A format that divulges news or popular information. 
  • Educational: A format that teaches us something.
  • Scripted fiction: A more advanced format that transports you into an imagined story. 

How long should your podcast be?

Short format? Long format? 

If you're not inspired to make your choice, we invite you to read our article on the subject. 

It will give you an idea of what's going on in the sector and help you make a decision. 

Frequency of podcast publication

Frequent or infrequent outings?

Think about how you're going to generate interest in your podcast. And above all, how much listening time your audience has. 

Develop your podcast's visual identity 

Although the podcast belongs to the audio format, the visual aspect is not to be neglected. 

Start by choosing the cover for your branded podcast. To help you, consider podcasts that appeal to the same audience. 

What does their cover look like? 






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