Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
Knowing who you're talking to is the basis of any marketing and communications strategy. You can have the best message in the world, the most beautiful advertising campaign for your podcast, if your core target doesn't receive it, it's pointless. Discover the common mistakes made when targeting a marketing strategy, and how to counter them.
When you start thinking about your marketing strategy, defining your target audience is a key step towards the success of your podcast. Podcasts are certainly popular. But if it's increasingly popular with the French, you need to reach your core target in the ocean of podcast listeners. The most common mistake would be to think that you're addressing all podcast listeners. As in real life, your podcast can't please everyone! Another common mistake is to be content with conventional demographic data to study your target audience (age, gender, profession...) and not take into account their consumption habits, their buying behavior or the media they consume on a daily basis. It's by carefully studying your target audience that you can build your native podcast. It's also important to regularly check your marketing targeting, as user behaviors evolve and this can have an effect on your number of listens or listeners. Adapt your marketing strategy to keep pace with changes in your market and stay in touch with your target audience.
To prevent these targeting errors in your marketing strategy, draw up a portrait of your ideal listener:
Based on the results of your targeting study, you can determine the podcast format that best suits your target audience. It also helps you to know how to address them. Using storytelling to speak to your listeners gives you the opportunity to highlight your brand's values and thus reach your audience. By generating emotions in them, your marketing message will be better perceived. Tailor your message to the different customer segments you're targeting. To check whether your targeted marketing strategy is working, use key indicators to measure your performance (number of listens, listener profiles, etc.). These will help you to tailor your podcast to your target audience. Discover the 2023 podcast trends for inspiration.
Margot BURON
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