Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
Podcast episodes are played into the ears of thousands of French people every day. There are podcasts on every subject and in every sector of activity. Brands have understood this and are seizing this opportunity by integrating branded podcasts into their content marketing strategy. Find out how to use podcasts to enrich your content marketing.
Branded podcasts are another way of reaching your target audience. More intimate, it creates a real bond with your listeners. Listeners are more likely to trust a brand they know, and are therefore more inclined to buy its products or services. Find out more about podcasting in our dedicated article.
Accessible everywhere and at any time of day or night thanks to streaming platforms, podcasts can reach a much wider target than other media. You may even come across listeners who don't fit your target audience on paper. So it's in your best interest to integrate podcasts into your strategy to diversify your marketing content.
By creating your own podcast on a specific theme, you can reuse the audio content of your episodes for other communication media. You can take an audio or video extract from your next podcast episode to prepare a teaser for broadcast on social networks. You can also turn your podcast episode into a blog post by adding a written transcript, for example, that reproduces the podcast's audio content.
To flesh out your content marketing strategy with the podcast, you can also take up the essential information from your episodes in the form of reels, LinkedIn posts or even carousels on Instagram. The aim is to integrate the theme chosen for your podcast into your various communication media. Of course, don't forget to include links to your other media: from the podcast episode to your Instagram account and from a story to your episode, for example.
Yes, podcasts and influencers can go hand in hand! You can count on the highly engaged communities of certain influencers to get people talking about your podcast. By choosing to partner with an influencer in your industry or with your brand (muse, paid collaborations, etc.), you can get your branded podcast off the ground quickly. You can plan a joint communication strategy on the podcast if the influencer takes part in an episode, for example. Or a paid partnership if you don't plan to interview the influencer in question, for example, or if you want to target several influencers.
If you'd like to know everything there is to know about podcasting, visit our blog, which is packed with information and news about the podcast world. The Calliopé branded podcast agency can help you create your native podcast. Whether it's finding the right theme, recording the best-quality episodes or enriching your content marketing strategy.
Margot BURON
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