Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
(Source: Rakuten Marketing)
That's right! Whether you drink Pepsi like Michael Jackson (Hi-hi!), wear Nikes like Michael Jordan (Dunk!) or sip a Nespresso with class like George Clooney (What Else!), influencer marketing has seduced you... and will continue to seduce you.As a new medium, the branded podcast is no exception to the rule, and choosing the right speakers is more than essential to the success of your influencer marketing strategies.I can seeyou shaking your head: "You're very kind, but how do we go about it? Well, that's exactly what we're going to look at today, so sit back, prepare some notes and mint tea (they're the best) and read on! 1, 2, 3 we're off!
ContentsThe right solution for every challenge!
46% of consumers follow influencers for recommendations (Source: Rakuten Marketing) Yes, but not just any influencers! Every influencer - from the nano to the star influencer (Yes, even Kim Kardashian) - has three audiences:
So, before thinking about the right influencer for your branded podcast... Think about the objective you're trying to achieve via your audio content.
Legitimacy, like respect, has to be earned! And tackling certain subjects such as ecology, feminism or racism is extremely risky without this famous LEGITIMITY! So, if your aim is to :
We advise you to call on external personalities: journalists, recognized experts (academics, scientists, authors) to give voice to your brand podcast.
"Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you are!"Although old school, this old quote works particularly well in this case. The principle of "by association" works wonders when it comes to enhancing branded content: when you're looking for buzz, sharing and virality for :
There's no better way to achieve this than with a public figure or star influencer.
Like a tutorial, a brand can seek to reveal in concrete terms the mechanisms, techniques and processes that have brought it to where it is today, thanks to the podcast.Often favored, this medium has the advantage of being able to stretch over several tens of minutes or even several hours.Enough to send some pâté (or tofu for vegans) in terms of knowledge transmission or actions to be taken.Highly sought-after, this content is in opposition to :
A "concrete" example (yes, I'm staying on topic) would be Stan Leloup's Marketing Mania podcast, which regularly invites experts in a niche field (not necessarily the best-known) to deliver concrete content.
Micro-influencers have the advantage of a more loyal audience... And one that's ultra-engaged!The scores are clear: the engagement generated by micro-influencers exceeds that of star influencers like Nabila. No "superfluous" subscribers, daily curiosity seekers and/or voyeurs who are only there for the beautiful curves of instagrammers (we see you!).Calling on a micro-influencer for each episode of your brand podcast means draining a new, ultra-engaged community each time.So, rather than burning your budget in one go with a Norman makes videos, you bet on "long tail" influencers who will know how to generate you of :
For your to-do list, start with the idea of creating a unique partnership with them and constantly listening to their needs. Your strategy will be enriched!
"Employee advocacy is a fast-growing trend. The voice of a company's employees is generally more influential than the brand itself, so if your brand's objective is to :
During the podcast, they may be asked to share with listeners :
You'll be able to reach new targets, close to those of your employees... Ideal if you're thinking of recruiting new talent or dealing with a bad buzz that's hurting your brand, for example.
It's the story of life... Ingonyama nengw' enamabala... The eternal cycle... Ingonyama nengw' enamabala (to be sung with a high-pitched voice)For this, let's turn to the voice professionals, actors or voice-over artists, who have mastered the art of telling stories, bringing moments to life and conveying emotions.A voice timbre that matches your brand image (which can even enrich your brand book) is the big plus that will turn your podcast from one of millions into a unique podcast that people want to listen to every day.
If you're a brand or about to launch a campaign with influencers, we've got a must-readfor you!
A project, a question? We're all ears.
With Calliopé, a branded podcast agency, make your voice heard.
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