Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
For over a year now, you've been consuming hours of podcasts, just like everyone else in the marketing world.In fact, it's become a habit.You can't even imagine washing the dishes, going for a run during your daily workout, or spending a long hour stuck in public transport, without listening to a new episode of your favorite podcasts.And while doing your news monitoring, you come across this statistic: "5.3 million French people listen to podcasts on a weekly basis".And then you say to yourself:
"words lie, but not numbers... We need to get into podcasting".
But as with all great adventures... There's a catch... Your boss doesn't read the same news as you, the year 2020 has hit the books and he's probably got other priorities... Should we give up on this project? No, we're not going to give up any time soon, are we? What if, with the right pitch, the right arguments and the right tools, you managed to convince him to launch a branded podcast? Are you interested? Keep reading, because we've got just the thing to make him say yes, I do (the podcast, of course!).
So to avoid this, before you talk to your boss, make sure you have an idea of what a potential series might look like:
This project has to sound cool, interesting and captivating for both him and his brand's audience.
Like any good business leader, he wants to be able to project himself. And very often, after a long speech, he'll say to you, like Biff Tannen to Marty Mcfly in Back to the Future: "Prove it!"Luckily for you, we've prepared an article with the figures for the podcast explosion in France.
For the Calliopé team, there's no doubt about it: a branded podcast works (better) if it's not solely focused on the product.Take your head off the screen, step back for a moment and ask yourself:
Look for that special element. The one that wouldn't fit in any other medium but would fit in perfectly here in your podcast.Yes, because telling original, unique and rare stories that happen as your business grows... That's what makes the podcast such a special medium. Do you need to create a podcast that promotes your :
It's hard to sort out what's going on in your head... Believe me, we understand. I imagine our article on the different podcast formats will help you in this difficult task.
There's one word that's been shattering creative dreams since the dawn of mankind...FAISABILITY! This single word can destroy the world's most creative projects, the ambitions of the world's greatest marketers and, above all, the speeches of dreamers.But for you, it'll be different because you're prepared! Don't even give your boss time to pronounce the first syllable to illustrate your answer.He'll probably wonder:
With this quote in hand, you 'll be 10x more convincing!
Where? When? How? Why? Your sales pitch will help you answer most of these questions. Unfortunately, you'll never be safe from trick questions: here are two that will surely dash your hopes (if you're not prepared!):
Imagine this situation: you're making your case, you think you're convincing, you're showing how podcasts are a relevant medium for your brand... And then your boss says: "But don't we already have a blog? "Teddy Rinner couldn't have done a better job of knocking you down and driving for miles like Neymar. The game's not over.Take a breath and answer:
"Yes, we already have a blog, as do all our competitors, but a podcast will make us stand out from the crowd and be perceived as a brand that continues to innovate, where our competitors are not positioned.
What's more, Spotify and Google Podcast are investing heavily in podcasts - shouldn't we be following this trend rather than missing out, as we did with video?"
Keepthese 4 arguments in mind:
Unless your brand is linked to an association or an NGO, you'll soon see your boss's eyes roll up to heaven. In his head he's wondering:
"Podcasts are nice, but... How will I know if it sells?"
Obviously, you've already answered the question about costs (preferably with a detailed excel file). But now it's time to go one step further, to show the potential results of this communication tool.Here, be clear, sharp and precise.He expects you to come up with concrete ideas for tracking the results of your podcast.This could be :
Whatever KPIs you choose to base your sales on, make a list that shows you're not in a rut... Our articles: What kind of ROI can we expect in the short term, or in the long term, should be able to enlighten you!
A project, a question? We're all ears.
With Calliopé, a branded podcast agency, make your voice heard.
Reach out to us