Internal podcast: the ultimate tool for transforming your corporate communications
More than 27 million podcasts were listened to between February 2022 and March 2022.So it's no wonder that brands, entrepreneurs and project owners see audio content as the new gold mine for finding their listeners.But before you create your branded podcast, you need to weigh up the pros and cons...Just the thing, we've done it for you!"I invite you to scroll down... Now!
Learn by doingLikemastering social networking, the guitar or the synchronized backstroke... You learn by doing (or so I tell my nieces!) Taking the plunge into audio marketing quickly familiarizes you with :
But also, to discover the little details - that we wouldn't have thought of - linked to :
Expand your networkAnotherelement is often forgotten, and yet the Gods know how powerful it can be...Creating your own podcast allows you to: boost your network... CONSIDERABLY!"Each guest brings with him or her a host of other guests whose notoriety only increases, and which you can - in fine - profit from! In particular for :
The budgetIt's no secret that doing it yourself often costs less (at least that's what my grandmother used to say...)And in a way she was right (rest her soul) because you'll be saving on the cost of a freelancer, podcast agency or extra.Still, the budget can quickly get out of hand with the vagaries of a podcast studio.Think about it quickly:
Just imagine the timeyou'll spend scrolling, scrolling... And then SCROLL again just to find :
In terms of time, count on at least a few weeks to set everything up...This time spent developing your podcast alone should be deducted from the time spent developing your business.But there's a second problem!Lack of experienceYes,because you'll soon realize (or not) that :
Other disadvantages of producing a podcast on your ownAtthe very least, there are 8 steps to creating a podcast on your own:1. Choice of subject and podcast name2. Show and episode format3. Cover design4. Intro and outro music5. Equipment selection6. Record and edit audio7. Submission to (iTunesApple Podcasts)8. Distributing the podcast on social networksBref, I think you've got the hang of it. Add to that the ordeal of having to :
It immediately makes you want to create your own podcast, doesn't it?
In 10 years, the number of freelancers in France has increased by 110% to 1.2 million. Yes, it's amazing... And it explains why you might think of a freelancer to create your first podcast.Reality is nevertheless a fact to be taken into account.Keep reading before you throw yourself into the lion's den!
Let's be honest. Pricing is one of the big advantages. Unless you're Mr. or Mrs. Podcast, a freelancer will be much less expensive than an agency, and a brand will be very happy with the flexibility offered by a freelance provider for the creation of a podcast. We can :
Finding the right freelancerFindingLA PERLE, who specializes in podcast marketing, could prove laborious... not to mention time-consuming and expensive.In the freelance jungle, it's like being a hunter... there are good freelancers and bad freelancers.Some will look splendid on paper (like the PSG team) and will quickly disappoint you when it comes to delivery (like the PSG, here too).The only solution: test.The problem: it costs time and money!Managing a freelancerManaginga freelancer seems simple at first glance. But (because there is a but) in reality, it's more complicated... You need to think about the time you'll need to spend with them, if only to proofread and validate the audio deliverables... The danger here is that, unlike a podcast agency with a dedicated team, in this case you'll only have one view of the proposal, which increases the risk of screwing up!
Free up your timeNoneed to think about which microphone to use... That's the podcast agency's job.So rather than spending hours figuring out what to do, the agency will BIGLY chew up your :
SupportTheagency's expertise will quickly take you where you'd never have imagined: rather than just creating a podcast... the podcast agency will integrate your audio content into a global marketing strategy, giving a vision to your podcast creation project that, alone or with a freelancer, would have been limited. Also, in terms of results, you'll benefit from the agency's analytical power, because only an agency that produces podcasts on a daily basis is able to:Determine what needs to be analyzed,Find the key figures,Go beyond simple results by delivering recommendations for future performance.Finally, you'll avoid mistakes. Many of the mistakes you would have made due to lack of time for:Coming up with podcast episode ideas (where the agency has content marketing expertise)Distributing your podcast (where the agency has an established presence).
To produce an effective branded podcast, a podcast agency will need to sit down, talk to your team and prepare its service. Nothing will be left to chance to ensure a long-lasting podcast strategy. However, this preparation structure can take time.
A project, a question? We're all ears.
With Calliopé, a branded podcast agency, make your voice heard.
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