Branded podcasts: why and how to integrate them into your marketing strategy?
Is my podcast bad? Do listeners find it too long? Is the competition doing better? With the Calliopé team, we've taken a look at a few studies that attempt to shed light on this problem. Read on to find out why listeners might stop listening to a podcast.
41% is the percentage of listeners who say the number 1 reason they stop listening to a podcast (Pew Research Center study). Lack of interest in the content! In fact, a listener is affected by his or her :
If the overall topic of the podcast doesn't meet any of his criteria, he'll move on and return to the search area of Apple Podcast or Spotify Podcast.What's more, if the branded podcast offers no new information, no unique information or a different angle on the news... The listener won't see any point.
Boring? Redundant? Déjà Vu ?41% of listeners consider that one of the most common reasons for abandoning a podcast was a lack of engagement with the content (Castbox survey).
After working with more than 50 brands on the creation of their branded podcast, we discovered another factor (not based on research): the link with the host of your branded podcast:
Your podcast won't last another season!
32% of listeners say that lack of time to listen to podcasts is their main reason for doing so (NPR and Edison Research study), but we don't think this reason is totally validated...Why?Simply because that same listener will find the time to go to TikTok or Instagram to consume other content.
19% of listeners consider poor audio production quality to be a turn-off (Castbox study).And I'll let you in on a secret ...The more competition there is in the podcast sector, the more audio quality will be a determining criterion.Poor audio quality can refer to a variety of problems such as:
These audio problems don't allow the listener to hear and understand what's being said during your podcast, and the result isfrustration that leads the listener to lose interest in your podcast and stop listening(even if the content is good!).
Do you want your podcast to sound amateurish?Yes, my friends, if the audio quality of your podcast varies throughout the different episodes, the listener will be frustrated and won't beable to concentrate on the content.
In terms of listening environment, not all listeners are on the same footing: some listen to their podcast in a crowded metro with all the external noise that goes with it(thanks RATP!)Others walk down the street in weather conditions that herald the end of days(you know, with a 100 km/h wind...)So, if your audio quality leaves something to be desired... They're going to resent you(even with noise-reducing headphones).
The rule is simple: the listener can lose interest if the podcast is not broadcast on a regular schedule.
Producing good audio content is obviously the basis of a podcast's success, but depending on the audience, the frequency of demand for new episodes can vary, so if your audience needs your content to move forward with their project, the infrequency of publication of your episodes could have an impact on you.
"The listener may lose interest if the podcast is not broadcast on a regular schedule."
If the podcast does not release episodes on a regular schedule, the listener may perceive that the podcast is not :
Like Jul with his albums... If your branded podcast invades streaming platforms with long episodes, published every day...The risk of losing listeners' interest is extremely high.
Keep your broadcasting habits!Podcasts are generally broadcast on a regular schedule.Depending on the field, this can vary from daily, weekly or bi-weekly.Be careful, if a listener has become accustomed to a certain broadcasting schedule, and you suddenly change it... You risk losing them.
Everyone hates advertising, yet everyone loves to buy! It's a question of balance... Which some podcasts seem to have forgotten!
A podcast that includes too many advertisements, sponsor messages or commercial breaks can quickly discourage listeners, who may quickly get the impression that your audio content is just trying to sell them something.
If your brand podcast talks about the world of luxury, but your ads are all about the fast-food industry... There's an alignment problem, one so big that it can quickly undermine the trust your listeners have in you.
Think of the ads during the World Cup, the Super Bowl, the Olympics... It's a long time, isn't it? The length of the ads you integrate into your podcast can quickly become a problem and drive away listeners (who may be fans of your content).
Hyperactive? ADHD? MultitaskingCapturing and maintaining attention will depend on the type of listener your podcast is aimed at. Take great care in the way your podcast is constructed to make sure you limit distractions, multitasking or loss of concentration on the part of your listener.
A project, a question? We're all ears.
With Calliopé, a branded podcast agency, make your voice heard.
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